Onion Architecture in ASP NET Core with CQRS : Detailed & Illustrated

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Shown above is the proposedOnion Architecture, which has layers defined from core to Infrastructure. The fundamental rule is that all code can depend on layers more central, but code cannot depend on layers further out from the core. This architecture is undoubtedly biased toward object-oriented programming, and it puts objects before all others.

Basically, it uses the concept of Layers but they are different from 3-tier and N-tier Layers. Can be quickly tested because the application core does not depend on anything. Onion based architecture can drastically streamline your development processes. Please contact a consultant at Clarity today to learn how we can assist you in your team’s execution. Provide more testability than N-layered architecture.

Using different projects for different layers is only ever coincidentally a good idea. You’d have to have a very large project before doing that made any sense, in which case moving the application into a more service-based architecture might well be a better choice. Elsewhere you had mentioned that adding repositories increases lines of code and yes, it does; however, “number of lines of code” is useless as a quality metric. Coupling between components and between layers is a much better quality heuristic, and onion architecture is all about managing that coupling. For mid to larger scaled projects where multiple teams work, layering has very obvious advantages up its sleeves. It lets a specific team or individual work on a particular layer without disturbing the integrity of the others.

onion architecture c#

Contracts project to define the Data Transfer Objects that we are going to consume with the service interfaces. Presentation project will be the Presentation layer implementation. The Domain layer does not have any direct dependencies on the outside layers. The outer layers are all allowed to reference the layers that are directly below them in the hierarchy. The main idea behind the Onion architecture is the flow of dependencies, or rather how the layers interact with each other.

Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core With CQRS – Detailed

This architecture is unashamedly biased toward object-oriented programming, and it puts objects before all others. The Contracts folder represents the Domain Interfaces. These interfaces act directly or indirectly on Domain Entities to perform business logic.

onion architecture c#

As it communicates via interfaces, it builds applications that are loosely coupled. This project represents the Service layer of the onion architecture. I am learning how to implement onion architecture using .Net core API. I understand that the focus of Onion architecture is more on flow of dependencies rather on how the layers interact with each other. But I found that domain entities are still accessible in the presentation layer .

Application Interfaces Layer

The code snippet, mentioned below is for the UserProfile entity. Now, we create an User entity, which is inherited from BaseEntity class. The code snippet, mentioned below is for the User entity.

Registering the dependency is like telling the container that when i am using this interface, provide me an instance of the concrete class that implements this interface. At run time, get the required dependency from this container and inject to the required method using the Constructor, Property or Method injection process. In order to use it, we need to add reference to the unity dll’s using the nuget package manager. This is to be added in the Web project, as we need to inject the dependency on the controller methods. Let’s start by adding the reference to the unity dll’s.

Whiteapp Onion architecture with ASP.NET Core API

Furthermore the Onion Architecture is based on the principles of Domain Driven Design. Applying those principles makes only sense if the application has a certain size and complexity. Be sure to reflect properly on that point before jumping blindly into the Onion Architecture. Let us see what Onions combined with Domain Driven Design produces. Finally, we change our Controller to receive the dependency of UserRepository,using the Constructor, in the form of IUserRepository .

It provides us with better testability for unit tests, we can write the separate test cases in layers without affecting the other module in the application. Onion architecture provides us with the batter maintainability of code because code depends on layers. Services.Abstractions project does not reference any other project, we have imposed a very strict set onion architecture of methods that we can call inside of our controllers. The purpose of the Presentation layer is to represent the entry point to our system so that consumers can interact with the data. We can implement this layer in many ways, for example creating a REST API, gRPC, etc. Now we only have one more layer left to complete our Onion architecture implementation.

  • So the shape of the interface is directly related to the scenario it is used in the business logic.
  • This approach is used to decouple things like configuration and logging so they convert into replaceable mechanisms.
  • Another helpful tool to implement dependency governance is NsDepCop.
  • We could even read from a totally different database, called a read store.

As highlighted in in the below image add the register. To use the unity container add Unity.Mvc5 package in the web project using the manage Nuget package. In the Onion Architecture layers talk to each other using the Interfaces. Any concrete implantation would be provided to application at the run time.

Select the checkbox for the domain project and click the OK button. This will add the Domain project’s reference to the Application project. Dependency Inversion Principle states that the high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules.

The following is a partial code snippet for the UserController in which service interfaces are injected, using constructor dependency injection. It is an ASP.NET Core Web application in this sample but it could be a Unit Test or Web API project. It is the most external part of an application by which the end-user can interact with the application. It builds loosely coupled applications with in-built dependency injection in ASP.NET Core. It represents the UI layer of the onion architecture.

Onion Architecture

This architecture has Domain Layer, Repository Layer, Service Layer and Presentation Layer. Domain Layer will be at the core of the architecture. Clean Architecture was introduced by Robert “Uncle Bob”. Some of the forms of clean architecture are Hexagonal Architecture, Ports and Adapter, and Onion Architecture. It builds on the concepts of Onion Architecture with some refinement. Instead of “Domain Model”, it refers to the core as “Entities”.

onion architecture c#

On noticing the controller class closely, we will find that object of the data context class is directly created inside the controller. We used scaffolding to create the controller using the entity framework and it causes creation of data context object inside the controller. Right now the controller and the data context class are tightly coupled to each other and if we change database access program then controller will be affected also. Interfaces with typical activities such as Add, Save, Edit, and Delete are held in the Service layer. This layer is also used to communicate between the UI and repository layers. It also serves as the business logic layer because it contains business logic for an entity.

Onion Architecture in ASP.NET Core

I’ve found that it leads to more maintainable applications since it emphasizes separation of concerns throughout the system. I must set the context for the use of this architecture before proceeding. This architecture is not appropriate for small websites. It is appropriate for long-lived business applications as well as applications with complex behavior. It emphasizes the use of interfaces for behavior contracts, and it forces the externalization of infrastructure.


Similarly, our own API may have some push functionality, such as WebHooks or SignalR. Other projects can implement the interfaces by creating adapters. We could create an EntityFrameworkRepository that implements our business logic’s port and wraps up Entity Framework’s DbSet.

Step 1: Download extension from project template

In this tutorial we have now successfully been able to connect to our MongoDB instance, add records to a collection and retrieve those records from the collection. In further articles we will also start to add to and update the data in these records as we start to improve our application. LibHunt tracks mentions of software libraries on relevant social networks. Based on that data, you can find the most popular open-source packages, as well as similar and alternative projects.

What is Onion Architecture ?

The implementations of the MediatR command & queries are very simple. Here is what the GetProductBySku query and then handler look like, along with the DTO that is returned. I won’t go into detail describing how I’ve implemented the Domain or Infrastructure layers as that isn’t the point of this blog post. But I was unsure if this meant that I would be limited in how I have to structure my applications and prevent me from using the architecture that has served me so well in the past.

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